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Canadian Hours of Service Regulations

Here is a summary of Canadian hours of service. Reference link: SAAQ Guide - Driving and Rest Hours. Canadian hours of service are calculated based on 2 conditions.

The workday and the work shift. The driver must comply with all requirements.


A 24-hour period that begins at the time designated by the operator. The driver must take at least 10 hours of rest during a day. Among these hours, at least 2 hours of rest are not part of the 8 consecutive hours of rest required to start a work shift and can be divided into breaks of at least 30 minutes each.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-18 à 11.03.28

Work Shift

The work shift is the time between two periods of at least 8 consecutive hours of rest. A new work shift begins after a period of at least 8 consecutive hours of rest.

Driving Prohibition: when, since the beginning of the work shift

  • 13 hours of driving have been accumulated
  • 14 hours of work have been accumulated
  • 16 hours have elapsed

Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-18 à 11.14.15

Mandatory Rest

  • 8 consecutive hours of rest, to start a new work shift
  • 2 hours of rest divided into breaks of at least 30 minutes each.
  • 24 hours per 14-day period

Cycle: 70 hours per 7-day period

Reset: 36 hours

Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-18 à 11.17.32