Understanding the Regulation
Law: What is the deferral of daily rest hours?
This exemption applies only to a Canadian cycle and is a Canadian and Quebec regulation.
Reference on page 29: https://saaq.gouv.qc.ca/fileadmin/documents/publications/conduite-repos-vehicules-lourds.pdf
The driver may extend their driving or working hours by up to 2 hours for a day if they defer 2 hours of daily rest to the following day and meet the following conditions:
- They do not split their daily rest hours in the sleeper compartment.
- The deferred rest hours are not part of the 8 consecutive hours of rest.
- The deferred rest hours are added to the 8 consecutive hours of rest on the second day.
- The total duration of rest hours taken over the two days is at least 20 hours.
- The total duration of driving hours over the two days does not exceed 26 hours.
- The total duration of driving hours in a day does not exceed 15 hours.
- They mention in the activity report that they are deferring their daily rest hours and indicate whether it is the first or second day.
VERY IMPORTANT: Deferred hours serve to extend driving hours to a maximum of 15 hours or working hours to 16 hours in a day.
***However, these deferred hours cannot extend driving and working hours on the work shift.***