Geotab Drive: Anomaly Notification (Canada & United States)

What to do when a red bar indicates: Your ELD is not working properly. Press for assistance?

In the presence of the red bar in Geotab Drive, it is required that the driver take action. Depending on the type of anomaly, the driver's intervention varies. It is important to refer to the diagnostic event and data fault guide.



Responsibilities of the Driver in Case of Anomalies

In Canada

  • Notify the carrier as soon as the vehicle is parked.
  • You must manually reconstruct the activity status report for the current 24-hour period and the preceding consecutive 14 days, unless the driver already has the reports or can retrieve them from the ELD.
  • Continue to manually fill out the daily log on paper until the ELD is repaired and compliant again.
  • Recording driver hours of service on a paper daily log cannot continue for more than 14 days after the anomaly.
  • On the day the anomaly or data diagnostic code is detected, please record the anomaly or data diagnostic code in the RODS. You must include the date and time of detection, as well as the time the anomaly or data diagnostic code was transmitted to the carrier.
  • Include the adjacent table codes in each subsequent service state following the day of anomaly detection until the ELD is operational again. (example code P)

Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-15 à 08.24.57

In the United States

Driver Responsibilities for ELD Recorded Malfunctions

  • Note the malfunction recorded by the ELD and provide written notice of the malfunction to the carrier within 24 hours.
  • Recreate the Record of Duty Status (RODS) for the current 24-hour period and the preceding 7 consecutive days on paper, unless the driver already has the reports or can retrieve them from the ELD.
  • Continue to prepare the Record of Duty Status (RODS) on paper until maintenance is performed on the ELD to make it compliant. Recording driver hours of service on paper can't continue for more than eight days after the malfunction.

Responsibilities of the Carrier in Case of Anomalies

In Canada

  • Correct, repair, replace, or maintain the defective ELD within 14 days of detecting the anomaly or receiving notification from the driver.
  • Require the driver to keep paper daily logs until the ELD is operational again.
  • Keep a record of ELD anomalies or data diagnostic codes for installed or used ELDs.
  • The following elements must be included:
    1. Name of the driver reporting the anomaly or data diagnostic code;
    2. Name of all drivers who used the vehicle from the anomaly or data diagnostic code date until the repair date;
    3. Make, model, and serial number of the ELD;
    4. License plate number or vehicle identification number;
    5. Date and location of the detected anomaly or data diagnostic code;
    6. Date of reporting the anomaly or data diagnostic code;
    7. Date of repair;
    8. Description of actions taken to repair the ELD.
  • For each ELD reported with an anomaly, keep the information indicated in paragraph (6) for a period of 6 months from the date the ELD is operational again.

In the United States

Carrier Responsibilities for ELD Recorded Malfunctions

  • Correct, repair, replace, or maintain the defective ELD within 8 days of discovering the condition or the driver's notification to the carrier.
  • Ask the driver to keep paper Record of Duty Status (RODS) until the ELD is restored to service.