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Geotab Drive: How to Check Statuses

Daily Log Verification (Signing)

The driver must check their logs daily. Only the driver can verify their logs via the Geotab Drive application.

  • In the login flow, the application will prompt the driver to check their unverified logs.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-05 à 15.18.55

Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-05 à 15.19.09

  • From the HOS tab > Daily Logs, the driver can press the word "verify" to verify the day. It's important to use the arrows to check previous days.
    Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-05 à 15.25.22
  • In the logout flow, the application will prompt the driver to check their unverified logs.