GoSight - Rules

Below are the GoSight rules that trigger video recording, which differ based on the monthly plan.

See the PDF version here



When the vehicle is in the "ON" ignition position, the rule is triggered after 5 minutes of idling.


This depends on the predefined rule.

Geotab (Preconfigured): A video is triggered when the driver exceeds the speed limit by 8 km/h (according to Google Maps data) for more than 20 seconds.

Custom: If you create a rule prohibiting driving more than 15 km/h over the authorized speed limit (according to Google Maps data) for more than 20 seconds, the rule activates and generates a video when a driver exceeds this limit for the specified duration.

Harsh acceleration

This rule is based on the ignition being "ON," forward acceleration or braking, and positive G-force. It is triggered when sudden acceleration causes a G-force greater than the configured acceptable value for the vehicle. For example, if a truck accelerates and reaches a positive G-force of 0.29* within 0.5 seconds, the rule is triggered and a video is automatically generated.

* G-force depends on the vehicle type - Light (0.43 G)/ Semi-Light (0.36 G)/ Heavy (0.29 G).

Harsh braking

This rule is based on the ignition being "ON," forward acceleration or braking measurements, and negative G-force. It is triggered when a sudden braking event occurs with a G-force greater than the programmed value. For example, if a truck slows down and reaches a negative G-force of -0.47* within 0.7 seconds, the rule is triggered and a video is automatically generated.

* G-force depends on the vehicle type - Light (-0.61 G)/ Semi-Light (-0.54 G)/ Heavy (-0.47 G).



Imminent collision warning

Audible warning: Yes

This event signals a potential collision with the vehicle in front if the distance between the two vehicles is too short. The rule is triggered if the time to collision during hard braking is less than 0.3 seconds and the truck is traveling at 40 mph (64.37 km/h).

Lane drift

Audible warning: No

This event is triggered when a vehicle leaves its lane on a dual-marked road. The dashcam monitors the lane markers to detect deviations. A lane deviation is considered an event if it lasts for 4.5 seconds while traveling at 30 mph (48.28 km/h).

Speed limit violation

Audible warning: No

A violation event is generated when the speed limit is exceeded. The rule is triggered if the speed exceeds the permitted limit by 35 mph (56.33 km/h).

Stop sign

Audible warning: Yes

An event is triggered when the vehicle fails to stop at a "Stop" sign. The rule applies if the AI detects the sign and the truck doesn't start slowing down within one second, continuing to drive at 5 mph (8.05 km/h) or more as it approaches the sign.


Audible warning: Yes

This event is triggered when the vehicle follows the vehicle in front too closely for an extended period. Proximity is determined by the time to collision (TTC). The rule is activated if the vehicle is traveling at 40 mph (64.37 km/h) or more for 10 seconds and comes within 0.4 seconds of a collision when braking hard.


