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Zones: Create a zone

Creating a zone

From the main menu, select Map

  • Select Add Area from the toolbar
  • Select a starting point on the map to define the boundary of the area
    *enabling satellite mode can help create a more accurate area*


  • Select additional points along the perimeter to create the border.
  • Aline connects the perimeter points in the order in which you add them.


  • To finish, select the first point again to close the zone.
  • The Map page will automatically be replaced by the Zones page.

Setting up the zone

Under the "Zone Details" tab

Name: Enter a relevant and accurate name

(Example: instead of Tim Hortons, enter Tim Hortons Montreal)

Publish to groups : Limit access to certain groups

Comments : You can detail the zone here, the comments will be displayed on the map

Visibility on the map: Data will be recorded even if the zone is not visible on the map

Type: Select the type or types of areas. This allows an efficient search or the creation of a rule containing several zones.

Indicate the stops in the zone: The vehicles stopped in the zone will be represented as stars

End date: Choose the life span of the zone (will be archived later)

Under the "Map View" tab

  • Choose the color of the area
  • Choose the transparency level
  • f necessary, click on Change shape of area.
  • When finished, select Save.

Création d'une Zone.pdf