Add-In : Proximity by Geotab

The Proximity tool is only available in English. ** Please note that this is a free add-on tool developed by Geotab.  If it is not present in your database, you can add this Add-in. 
This complementary tool allows you to identify which vehicle was near an address. It answers the question: What vehicle was at this address?
To access this tool, simply open the

Select the Zones and Messages tab
Select Proximity.
Enter an address, city or intersection in the Address field.
Select a radius in meters in which you want to search.
Select the vehicles. You can select one or more vehicles or select all vehicles in your database by selecting "Show everyone".
Finally enter the date and time range.

A heat map will then be visible on the map.

The address is in the center of the red circle. White dots will indicate the vehicles that have passed within the different perimeters.
By dragging your cursor over one of the dots you will be able to see which vehicle has passed by that location as well as the time it passed. 

Once the vehicle has been identified, to validate the complete trip, you must use the trip history in the map section of MyGeotab.
Configuration code
To add this add-in in your database, here is the configuration. View article : How to add an add-in in my database.
"supportEmail": "",
"signature": "12345-MYSIGNATURE",
"name": "Proximity Addin (by Geotab)",
"items": [
"icon": "",
"path": "ZoneAndMessagesLink/",
"menuName": {
"fr": "Proximité",
"en": "Proximity"
"url": ""
"version": "1.0",
"key": "12345-MYAPIKEY",
"isSigned": false