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Routes : How to create and send a Route plan


  1. Navigate to Zones & Messages > Routes... > Routes
  2. Select a route
  3. Click Create Plan
  4. Select a vehicle
  5. Modify the start date and fields in Zones organizer if necessary
  6. Click Save
  7. Select the same Route
  8. Click Send to vehicle
  9. Click Composer Message
  10. Click Send


  • First box (time) is the time to start (if parked at zone at start) or arrive at stop
  • Second box (distance) is the distance from the previous stop
  • Third Box (time) is the time it takes to drive from previous stop to here
  • Fourth box (time) is the time to spend at this stop (defaults to 5mins)
    Note: All arrival times after the first will calculate automatically based on driving and stop times entered for previous stop