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Installation: IOX-WRKS

Installation guide for the IOX for public works. Consult the original Geotab document here.
Geotab Public Works Support / Winter Solution: 1-800-984-6175 (Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time) 

Unplug the GO device from the vehicle and remove the IOX expansion port cover from your GO device.


Connect the 90° USB connector of the IOX-WRKS to the GO device. Secure the USB connector with a zip tie. Please note that over-tightening the zip tie may damage the USB connector.
Note: Insert the USB connector in the direction shown in the picture.


For interfacing with material spreaders or temperature sensing equipment, use the primary port. The secondary DB9 port is only used to connect a temperature device when the primary port is connected to a controller. 
Documentation on spreader integration is available here. 


To interface with Parker, Muncie, Genesis and Marwis systems, use the CAN bus connection. 
Documentation on spreader integration is available here.  


Connect the vehicle telemetry to the inputs (marked AUX 5 through AUX 8) of the IOX-WRKS, following the required input mapping. If more than four inputs are required, an additional IOX-AUXM can be added for inputs AUX 1 through AUX 4. Do not cut the loop if you add this cable.
The inputs are color coded as follows:
AUX 1 or 5 = Blue
AUX 2 or 6 = Orange
AUX 3 or 7 = Green
AUX 4 or 8 = White
IGN_BATT = Red-White
GND = Black
IGN_BATT and GND are available to provide power/ground to the sensors (maximum load 650mA).
Required input configuration:
AUX 5 (GND input) - Front plow (shovel) or manual spreading
AUX 6 (+12/24 Ve input) - Front plow (shovel)
AUX 7 (+12/24 Ve input) - Wing plow (shovel)
AUX 8 (+12/24 Ve input) - Towing plow or flashing light
AUX 1 to 4 - Available with additional IOX-AUXM

Solder all connections and insulate with tape or heat shrink.
Corrosion resistance is essential under winter operating conditions.
Please take all necessary precautions to ensure that the equipment and connections have adequate corrosion resistance. 
⚠ IMPORTANT: The input must be active when the monitored equipment is in operation - for example, when the snowplow is lowered = 12 V.
If the IGN_BATT wire is used, you must indicate this to Geotab support in step 8 below.


Connect all additional IOX cables and daisy chain them together using the termination shunts. The termination resistor must remain in the shunt of the last cable.
Once all IOX cables are connected to the GO device, plug in the GO device and start the vehicle immediately.
The GO device enters activation mode - indicated by six short beeps.
Allow 3-5 minutes for the device to wake up, establish connectivity and update the firmware before proceeding to the next step. 


Once the unit is ready (red, green and blue LEDs are lit and the unit is no longer beeping), configure the IOX-WRKS and test all data and telemetry inputs.


Once the GO unit is powered and before setting a spreading pattern, connect the LED extender to the USB cable of the IOX-WRKS. The LED light will flash to indicate that the IOX-WRKS is powered. For more information on LED flashing patterns, see the following document: IOX-WRKS LED Installer Guide.


Note: The IOX-WRKS will not work until a specific material spreader configuration has been loaded. It is absolutely necessary to call support for this process, and to check the data stream and each telemetry to complete the installation.   
If the IGN-BATT wire is used in step 4 above, you must notify Geotab support at 1-800-984-6175, of this information so that they can activate this wire with an additional order.
Public Works Support will assist you in setting up the spreader controller configuration.
Once the spreader configuration has been successfully set, the LED on the IOX-WRKS will display a steady light for 10 minutes before turning off permanently.
After seeing the steady light, put the material spreader into SIM/Operation mode - as described in the specific spreader documentation.
Trigger and check each input, one at a time, using the holder. 



Once the locators have been properly tested and configured, make sure all cables are securely fastened with a cable tie, place the dashboard panels in their original position, and clean the cabin so it is ready for the client. 
Note: If the unit does not communicate, make sure the unit is properly installed and try again.


Termination shunt
The IOX comes with a termination shunt installed in the expansion port. If you plan to install more than one IOX in a daisy chain, you must remove the shunt from each device in the line, except for the last IOX, where the shunt must be held in place and secured with a tie-wrap.
NOTE: Failure to install the shunt in the last IOX may affect communication between IOXs.