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Map : Group Filter (Feature Preview)

The new group filter in the feature preview allows for filtering for a specific page or assigning colors to a group.

  1. Activate the option
  2. Group Filter
  3. Custom Color

1- Activate the option

To access this option, you must activate it for your user. To find out how to do this,

2- Group Filter

The option allows you to apply a group filter exclusively for the currently displayed page. The group filter option is therefore found at the top of each page of your database rather than at the top left.

  • You have the ability to search by keywords in the field and MyGeotab will show you the different group options matching the search.
  • Option to apply to the entire site, meaning applying the filter to the entire database like the traditional group filter.
  • Option to use the advanced filter option.
  • To reset filters, simply press the option at the bottom.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-03-26 à 14.19.05

  • The advanced filter option allows you to create conditions involving multiple groups.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-03-26 à 14.20.59

3- Custom Color

It is possible to apply custom colors to groups so that they are displayed in a specific color when using the group filter.

To modify colors:

  1. Groups & Rules > Groups
  2. Select the group you want to modify
  3. Press "Edit"
  4. Select the desired color
  5. Press "Save"
Capture d’écran, le 2024-03-26 à 14.25.35


Display colors on the map

  1. Map
  2. Group Filter > Select Filters
  3. Submit

Capture d’écran, le 2024-03-26 à 14.28.02

Capture d’écran, le 2024-03-26 à 14.28.46