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Map: Know the distance of your assets from a location (the closest one)

The closest one allows you to know the distance and approximate duration of your assets from a location on the map.

To find out the approximate distance and duration of your vehicles from a location:

  • Map > map
  • Enter the name of the area or the address in the search field
  • Click on "The closest one" at the top of the map

Capture d’écran, le 2024-03-26 à 11.38.22

The system will display the approximate distance and duration for each of your assets from this location. The information will be visible on the map as well as in the list on the left side of the map. 

Click on "Cancel" to exit the mode and return to the regular map. You must remove the address from the map so that it is no longer visible using the "X" located after the mention of Canada.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-03-26 à 11.44.42