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Map: Search Field

The search field allows you to quickly find an asset, area, address, or driver.


Find an asset

Map > Map

In the search field, enter the unit number you are looking for. All assets containing the specified information will be visible. MyGeotab searches the entire vehicle record. Thus, if the specified information is present in the VIN or the serial number of the device (Go9), the asset will be suggested to you.

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Find an address 

It is possible to quickly find an address on the map by entering the address in the search field. MyGeotab will then give you 3 options, and you can select the one that matches among these choices.

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This can be useful in determining how far your vehicles are from this address. Once the location is displayed on the map, use the nearest option. 

Find a zone

To quickly find an area on the map, enter the name of the area in the search field. MyGeotab will suggest all areas containing the specified information.

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Once the area is displayed on the map, you can use the "Nearest" option to determine the approximate distance of your assets from this area.

Find a driver

In the event that you do not know which vehicle a driver is connected to, you can search by driver. Simply enter the driver's name in the search field, and MyGeotab will show you the corresponding drivers. By selecting the driver's name, MyGeotab will display the vehicle as well as its location on the map.

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