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Update: Geotab Drive 21.02

Here are the new features offered in Geotab Drive with update 2102. The database update is done gradually to ensure a smooth migration. Therefore, it is impossible to know the effective date of version 21.02. To view the current version of your database, simply navigate to the Administration tab > About: Version 5.7.2102.


Article Content

  1. Canadian ELD (ELD) Compliance
  2. Tabs
  3. Yard Move (YM)


Canadian ELD (ELD) Compliance

Updates for compliance copy (off cellular network) for Canadian ELD (Note: These updates were also made available in the previous version, 21.01)

To comply with Canadian regulations, Geotab has added the following data to the Geotab Drive compliance copy:

  • Start of Work Day Time - driver's shift start time
  • Operating Zone - a number indicating where the asset is operated:
    • 1 = Canada, south of latitude 60°N
    • 2 = Canada, north of 60°N
    • 3 = United States
  • Total Hours - total number of hours in the current team
  • Total Hours in Cycle - total number of hours worked in the cycle
  • Remaining Hours in Cycle1-Nov-17-2022-02-37-34-5662-PM
  • Table containing all changes made to driver's cycle, operating zone change, or use of off-duty events with their corresponding details
  • Table containing all comments, remarks, and annotations with their related details.
  • Unrecorded Overtime Hours

Additionally, the following data has been added to MyGeotab:

  • Driver ID - driver's username
  • Operating Zone - a number indicating where the asset is operated:
    • 1 = Canada, south of latitude 60°N
    • 2 = Canada, north of 60°N
    • 3 = United States
  • Total Hours - total number of hours in the current team
  • Total Hours in Cycle - total number of hours worked in the cycle
  • Remaining Hours in Cycle
  • ELD anomalies, including anomaly code.
  • Driver data diagnostic status, including diagnostic code



Updates to the names of some tabs in MyGeotab and the Geotab Drive application

Geotab has renamed some tabs in the applications to make them more user-friendly for users from all regions of the world:

  • DVIR has been renamed
  • Asset Inspection Inspection mode has been renamed Roadside Inspection

Capture d’écran, le 2024-03-29 à 11.54.48

Yard Move

Updates to yard move exemption (YM) for Canadian users.

To comply with Canadian ELD regulations, the yard move exemption (YM) will automatically be disabled when the vehicle exceeds 32 km/h (20 mi/h). This applies only to drivers on a Canadian cycle.

For drivers operating outside Canada, the yard move exemption (YM) can still be configured by administrators (such as modifying the speed limit or zone exits which then disables the yard move exemption for the driver). To learn how to configure these options, see the article Update: MyGeotab 21.02.