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AttriX Compliance: How can I configure my alerts?


  • Audit
  • Initial Configuration
  • Recipients
  • Email

To learn about the description of each section, please refer to our article: AttriX Compliance: What is it?

Initial Configuration

To activate compliance alerts, you must enter the recipients and choose the necessary groups.

To configure recipients, you need to go to the AttriX Services tab > Compliance Services

Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-16 à 09.04.57

The configuration section will be visible on the right. If the configuration section is not visible, please refer to our article: AttriX Compliance: Why can't I access the configuration section?

It is possible to indicate one or more recipients for each section. To add multiple recipients, simply separate the emails with a comma. (training@attrix.ca, demo@attrix.ca)

It is possible to have different recipients for the 2 sections in case different people are in charge. If it's the same users, simply press "Copy above". The email address(es) indicated in the "Daily" section will automatically be copied for the "Moving" section.

Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-16 à 09.53.29

It is also possible to configure for a group only, if you have divisions within your company.

To do this, in the group section, select which group you want to receive compliance alerts for.

  • Driver Group: Specific driver division
  • Device Group: For which unit (asset) division you want to receive alerts.

If you haven't created groups, you can configure them and then return to modify the AttriX Compliance configuration later. If you want to know how to configure your groups, please refer to the article: Groups: How to set up my groups?

Once your configuration is complete, press "Active" then "Save"

To modify recipients, please refer to our article: Attrix Compliance: How do you change the person who receives the daily report?