Users: How to create access for my mechanic?


  • Adding or creating a user
  • Security clearance
  • Garage account configuration

Article topics:

  1. Security clearance creation
  2. User creation in MyGeotab

**Compliance** Just like the administrator, a mechanic who drives must have 2 separate user accounts.

In accordance with the technical standards for the Canadian DCE mandate:

Article 4.1.2 Account Creation

d) A driver account must not have the administrative permissions required to create, delete, or manage DCE user accounts, nor to configure DCE allowed settings.


  • For the driver user, the mechanic must be configured as a regular driver.
  • For the mechanic user, administrator, follow the steps in point 2 of this article.

Creation of security clearance

The procedure to create a new user is the same regardless of the type of user. However, the security clearance configuration will not be the same.

It is advisable to create the security clearance before creating your users to limit data access. It is always possible to modify a user's clearance later.

In the case of a mechanic, it is important that they have access to everything related to their responsibility. Here are some points that may be related to a mechanic.



By typing DVIR or inspection in the search bar, you will find all authorizations related to inspections. Some of these authorizations are the same for a driver so that they can perform inspections in the Geotab Drive driver application.


Device management

If your mechanic will be responsible for making device changes in MyGeotab or rendering vehicles historical, they must have access to the related authorizations. By typing the word "Device" in the search bar, the associated authorizations will be displayed. Those in red boxes are the most commonly used for mechanics.

For any questions about multi-stream, refer to the article: Data Sharing


Maintenance Log

Since the "Maintenance Management" portion often falls under the responsibility of mechanics, it is important that they have access to configure it in MyGeotab. Ensure that the following authorization is active for your mechanic.

They will thus be able to create maintenance logs, add maintenance, and access the list of upcoming maintenance.


Modify user options

So that the user can modify their options such as password, language, date format, etc., they must have access to the authorization: Modify your user options


User creation

Creating a user who is not a driver is much simpler and faster! You only have 2 tabs to complete, namely the Users and UI Settings tabs.

User tab:

Key points:

  • Regarding the username, if the mechanic will receive reports by email, their username must be an email address. If the mechanic will not receive emails, a simple username can be assigned to them.
  • Concerning the "Force password change at next login" section, if the user is created with an email address, they will receive a link to create their own password. If the user is created with a username, you will have to assign a password that they can later change. Selecting "No" will display a field to enter and confirm a password.
  • If you have multiple divisions and this user does not need access to other divisions, simply assign the groups you want them to have access to.

UI Settings tab:

Key points:

  • This tab is user configuration without impacting the database. Only this user will have this configuration.
  • It is possible to modify information such as units of measurement, language, date format, etc.
  • At the bottom, on the default startup page, you can assign either Map or Vehicles. This means that upon login, this is the page that will display to the user.

Once these 2 tabs are completed, click "Save". The user will then receive the email to set up their password or will be able to log in with their credentials.